Understanding your Influence1

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This is one of those questions that keep popping up in the mind of a youth aspiring to make differences in the life of others and her/his environment. You are eager to know your strengths. Some people do this enquiry by praying while others just rely on personality test to get a clue.;

However, whichever method you choose to follow, there are certain things that must be understood.
According to Genesis 1:26-28, God created us, not because he was lonely, but because he wanted us to continue the work of creation here on earth, the above scripture makes us understand the essence of his commandment ” Go and multiply and subdue the earth” it wasn’t a request and until you understand his orders, you will live in meritocracy. He designed each person with special abilities and passion to function and take the lead in different areas here on earth. Our lives here on earth will have no meaning until we discover and live according to his PLANS and PURPOSE for us. Divine fulfillment and happiness come when we position our lives to take on problems and find the solutions by using the gift God has giving us. God is counting on us to maximize our lives for him, therefore discovering and taking responsibilities in those special areas of influence is a duty for everyone out there. However, your purpose in life goes beyond the four walls of the church, it is in every environment you find yourself.
What then is purpose?
Purpose is the reason why God created you.



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